The prostate gland is called the "second heart" of a man because it is the prostate that helps maintain erectile function and the synthesis of testosterone - the production of the main male hormone. Inflammatory organ damage is diagnosed in one in ten men and most patients do not know the right answer. it is possible to have sex with prostatitis and how close relationships work in the course of the disease.
Urologists say: prolonged abstinence leads to stagnation of blood in the prostate, which worsens the condition and makes the disease chronic. However, it is impossible to answer unequivocally that making love with prostatitis is useful - it all depends on the stage of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient. We will look at this issue in more detail below.

What is prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland when the organ enlarges several times and sometimes hyperplasia is observed. The disease develops as a result of age changes and in combination with the following factors:
- Inguinal hypothermia - hypothermia of the genitals;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Abuse of bad habits;
- Impact of stress.

The first symptoms of the disease are severe pain during urination, enlargement of the prostate, as a result of which the man has an inadequate sex life, manifested by the following characteristics:
- Lack of permanent erection;
- Frequent urge to urinate;
- Prolonged nocturnal erections;
- Accelerated ejaculation;
- Reduced productivity, increased fatigue;
- Decreased sexual desire.
In the absence of pathology, blood flows to the penis, as a result of which the organ is aroused. A man sees a woman, attracts awakening. The affected prostate gland enlarges with the penis, which gives the patient uncomfortable, painful sensations, therefore the erectile capacity decreases, sexual intercourse is not performed.
Intimate life and prostatitis
All men over the age of 30 are at risk of developing prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate is an unpleasant diagnosis, the lack of treatment of which brings chronic pain of a spasmodic nature in the lower abdomen, increased subfebrile values, chills, decreased erection, prostate adenoma is a benign tumor.
Opinions about intimacy with prostatitis were divided into two camps and not only patients suffering from the disease, but also doctors expressed their opinions. Some respondents believe that sex is necessary in case of illness - to maintain male function, others, on the contrary, believe that sex interferes with the normal functioning of the affected organ.
Help! The secretory body produces the fluid needed for complete sexual intercourse. In the absence of regular intimate relations, prostate dysfunction occurs.

Treatment of prostatitis includes massage. However, not all patients have patience and massage the body regularly. Sex involves a type of massage therapy: during the final phase of sexual intercourse, the pelvic muscles and glands contract.
During ejaculation (ejaculation) there is an increased release of prostate secretion, so sex is beneficial. But the disease differs in two types of course:
- Sharp;
- Chronic.
Each form of pathology has nuances that are important to consider when making recommendations and prescribing.
Sex with acute prostatitis
Sex and exacerbation of pathology are incompatible concepts. The patient feels all the signs of the disease:
- Stomach ache;
- Difficulty urinating or frequent urges;
- Painful sensations during urination;
- Burning sensation in the perineum and urethra;
- The increase of temperature indicators;
- General malaise.

This condition has no intimacy, the man's erectile function decreases. In addition, if prostatitis is triggered by STIs, there is a high risk of infection with a partner with a sexually transmitted disease. In addition to the treatment of prostatitis, the man must also cure the infectious process and participate only in the protective sex.
With proper treatment, the acute process takes 3 to 5 days.
Sex with chronic prostatitis
During chronic prostatitis, a male representative does not experience painful symptoms, therefore sex is necessary and acts as a massage of the prostate gland. In addition to active sexual intercourse, one should not forget about other therapeutic measures prescribed by a doctor.
The harm of intimate relationships
Attention! Doctors do not advise to have sex on a polygamy - to avoid complications, stick to an intimate relationship with a partner.
In the absence of work of the organ, the functioning is lost. Sexual abstinence provokes blood stasis in the small pelvis, which leads to recurrence of the disease. If there is no permanent sexual partner during treatment, doctors recommend masturbation. Masturbation has a massaging effect, not deep, but better than the complete absence of sex - it prevents congestion in the pelvic organs.

Sometimes patients, after diagnosing the disease, begin to have indiscriminate sexual intercourse. It is better to organize sexual contacts: frequent change of partners threatens with a conflict of microflora, which leads to relapse.
If bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed, it is necessary to refrain from love. Sex life leads to worsening of symptoms and is the reason for the spread of bacteria in the urinary organs - kidneys and bladder. During ejaculation, pathogenic microorganisms, passing through the urethra, affect the urinary system.
Before you have sex for acute bacterial prostatitis, you must first start antibiotic therapy. It is recommended to start a sexual life after healing - to avoid complicated conditions.
The importance of sex in prostatitis
When the prostate gland is inflamed, it is necessary to make love because there is a rush of blood and the organ shrinks. During intimacy, the putrefaction processes formed during inflammation go out. When sexual intercourse is over, the toxins enter the prostate secretion and are excreted with it.
Studies show that 50% of men surveyed have erectile dysfunction during illness, and 25% of men have a decrease in sexual desire. Almost 90% of respondents, when diagnosed, have sex less often and more than half of relationships with a woman deteriorate or stop altogether.
In such situations, it is recommended to use special means to increase sexual desire.

Effect of the disease on semen
Inflammation of the prostate negatively affects a man's reproductive function. Sperm quality deteriorates, so infertility and impotence are sometimes diagnosed due to prostate damage. Decreased attraction to women is observed due to reduced synthesis of androgens - hormones responsible for maintaining male function.
The prostate gland is responsible for producing sperm. However, in the presence of inflammation of the organs, the production of ejaculate decreases, and in the presence of complications there is aspermia - lack of sperm. It is difficult for a sick man to reach orgasm. Often patients complain of poor ejaculation, as some ejaculates do not ejaculate, but flow, and when you drop your partner feels discomfort, burning, pain.
The semen thickens. Infertility is characterized by a decrease in the number of sperm.
Note! Most often, men notice changes in semen when it changes color or texture.
If a man suffers from prostatitis, it is important to have sex in a condom until it is completely cured. In inflammation of the prostate gland, the patient's immunity decreases. Interaction with foreign microflora can worsen the condition. With a decrease in the body's protective functions, foreign conditionally pathogenic flora enters the urethra and then the prostate.

Oral sex also presupposes safety, as there is an accumulation of bacteria and harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity. Pathogenic microbes are safe for a healthy person, but are dangerous for a patient with reduced immunity.
With prostatitis it is permissible to have any kind of sex, up to anal. In the acute period, however, abstinence is recommended - to avoid worsening of the condition.
Sex after treatment
Male disease requires mandatory treatment. Therapeutic measures depend on the severity of the pathology, the general condition of the patient. Doctors offer many different ways - from therapeutically ineffective to radical - through surgery.
Help! In the absence of treatment, the disease in 90% of cases leads to inflammation of the kidneys and the formation of stones in the urinary organs, and the risk of adenoma and prostate cancer also increases.
In advanced cases, urologists prepare the patient for surgery, after which complications rarely occur - only in 10% of cases, and rehabilitation is easy. After the operation, the patient is recommended to follow the following rules regarding intimacy:
- You are allowed to return to intimate life only after 3-4 months;
- During the adaptation period, it is important to exclude physical strain;
- The establishment of the urinary process is facilitated by herbal sessions.

Early sexual intercourse after surgery threatens with mental disorders and potency - on a psychological background.
Sex after surgery is characterized by a lack of ejaculation, gradually improving erections. It is important for a man to have a trusting relationship with a partner, to avoid stressful situations, and for a woman it is important to provide trusting help to a partner, because a man without a prostate gland may feel inferior.
Restoration of sexuality depends on the operative technique:
- Transurethral resection - complete or partial removal of the prostate. Intimate life is recommended 30 days after surgery. After the operation, conception will not take place - the sperm are thrown into the ureter.
- Cavity prostatectomy is a rare surgical method, most often the prostate is removed by laparoscopy. But at an advanced stage this technique is implemented. Sex is allowed after one and a half to two months - due to the high risk of postoperative complications.
- Laser prostatectomy is a minimally invasive technique that allows you to have sex a few weeks after surgery, depending on the patient's well-being.
If the man has shown signs of impotence before surgery, it is impossible to restore potency after surgery.

The most important preventive measures for prostatitis are regular sexual activity. Sex with inflammation of the prostate has the following positive effects:
- Uncomfortable, unpleasant sensations do not bring pleasure, but orgasm has a beneficial effect on male potency, promotes healing from a disease and eliminates pain. If the man is worried about pain, doctors advise to take anesthetic medicine an hour and a half before sexual intercourse.
- When acute bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed, massage is strictly contraindicated, but no one cancels sex - makes love more often to stimulate blood circulation, but do not forget about contraception - condoms.
- By having sex, it will be possible to completely get rid of stagnant processes in the pelvic organs.
Help! According to statistics, in men who have a regular sexual partner and make love at least twice a week, the prostate gland is less likely to become inflamed.
The most effective therapy for prostatitis is sexual activity. Intimacy promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the prostate, prevents congestion and has a beneficial effect on overall health. If the man has dysfunction of the genital area, it is advisable to consult a urologist with the appearance of the first symptoms to avoid complications. The doctor will give the necessary recommendations and prescribe treatment.

Basic rules for sex:
- Do not neglect intimacy, but do not have sex too often - the frequency of sexual pleasure should not be less than twice a week;
- It is important that sexual intercourse is complete - complete with ejaculation;
- If there is pain, burning in the process, it is recommended to abstain from sex until the painful symptoms are completely eliminated;
- It is better to use condoms during therapeutic interventions - to avoid conflict of the microflora and transmission of STIs.